Unfortunately like most of America I am home sick right now, in the time of about the past week I have noticed that my dreams have been rather odd. More so nightmares than dreams themselves. When you break it down to the fine details, being sick can cause our emotions to be a true form of manifestation. For the body has built up this manifestation of sickness, whether it be physical, mental or in this case Covid 19. When our bodies build up such things we notice them in many aspects, again, maybe we broke a bone, maybe we had an emotional breakdown or we are home sick with the flu. All of these things manifest deep inside our consciousness.
Once our consciousness spills over without us knowing we can “look” to our dreams. Have you ever been in the situation of something bad continuously going on at work, being sick, maybe those mental health problems? And you can't sleep. This is because whatever you may be manifesting in your life is connecting to your consciousness and translating to your dreams.
I keep my altar next to my bedroom door, one of the center pieces is a beautiful obsidian arrowhead knife that is used for protection. Having been sick for over a week now, I had a dream the other night that I burst into a room and grabbed that knife off my altar and I needed it for protection for my mother and myself. Speaking with a very dear friend and incredible mentor of mine, when your body is weak your consciousness manifests and translates what it can't do externally. I am unable to fight physically but in my dream I took to that specific knife because of its energy and I knew it would give me the energy to protect my mother and myself. These manifesting dreams have been happening for the course of me being sick, they do make a lot of sense. If I look into it further though, it is not only through sickness.
Manifestation vs. dreaming is a very common thing in the human mind. Many people just don’t acknowledge it and pass it off as a bad night's rest or a nightmare. When we do acknowledge that there is a link between the two, manifestation and dreams, we have to be careful we don't read too much into those dreams.
Sickness manifestation is not the only type of “odd” dreaming you can have. Any type of thing in your life that is manifesting in your consciousness will translate to your dreams. Some examples could be things like getting married, you are full of happy joyful thoughts and feelings that will translate to your dreams. Let’s say you are hoping for a job promotion so you will be letting thoughts of work manifest in your life, how have you been doing at work? Are you personally reassuring yourself you can do it if you get the job?. Watch what you dream about next, will it be about your wedding, will it be about that job promotion?
Manifestation and dreams will always be together but will you notice and how far will you read into them. As I was told by my dear mentor “ Look at the dreamsgate with broad strokes”
Written by: Foster The Llama