Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Earth Energy Shaman, My Path

 The Earth Energy Shaman

Since people have been asking me about this subject and my Shamanism, I have added more detail which I hope will answer questions. As what I call a earth healing shaman, I use earthy energies by using the life force that may still be present in living and nonliving things through channeling that energy to cause a positive effect on another living being. All living things have some life force that remains after death and I am pleased to be able to tap into that energy source to effect a healing change for another. 

I don't just work with "dead things" such as bone but also work with the energy of living things that exist in my environment most notably the abundant plant life around me which holds an abundant energy source for my work and have been doing so for a long time. I have an abundant source of animal life from many diverse birds to deer who walk right up to my cabin, all of which carry much life force energy that benefit others. 

So I use living things in a good way in my work to benefit and heal others, as well as channeling energy through the earthy tools I have in stone and bone which ancient native american medicine men did many years before me. I had an opportunity to live with some of these people while learning their ways, they are very capable and very talented in the use of earthy energies to effect change that benefits the living. 

To understand my work is to know that I work with the living energy around me as well as elemental energy to effect positive change. I am starting to get known in my small community as a shaman who offers healing energy to living beings through the life force present in other living and non living things. I am also starting a book using the notes from my diary of my experiences. I have a philosophy that to know the energy of the living is to understand the energy of the passing, being an earth energy shaman, the life around me gives me the energy tools to effect healing and positive change for other beings. 

I respect the work of other energy healers, we all are taking the energy of other things to effect positive change for others, how you do it is your own path to be respected and honored. I am familiar with other paths and have studied them also, however, I have put myself in an active living environment that allows me to effect the most result using the abundant energy around me to channel life force and spiritual energies to create the best result. Yes I use magical energies as a side part of my work, but the real energy comes from the living and nonliving around me. I have been blessed with the ability to uplift those in honoring and blessing those who benefit much from my channeling of this energy. Those who see the value of what others do may well be enriched by them...

Damien Daville

Sunday, August 7, 2022

 Energy Life -  Understanding a daily carry 

Normally I let my intuition do the picking, this time this knife was more so chosen for me. Being a practitioner of witchcraft each knife I have holds a deep significance. 

Growing up I was always fascinated by crystals and stones and the energies they held, most importantly what could be done with those energies. I have to estimate I was probably around age 10 when I was first introduced to the world of witchcraft by my mom, herself of course a witch always finding a chance to show my brother and I her capabilities amongst many others. I always remember seeing her altar set up in her bedroom covered in crystals, candles, knives etc. I didn’t understand the significance of any of this but I do now. 

The older I got the more questions I asked about crystals and stones and about witchcraft in general, I wanted to know everything I could. I felt this kneading inside me. Overtime I became more familiar with each stone and its properties and I kept getting fed knowledge from my mom. About two years ago or so I took my energy work to the next level and had an incredible person take me under his wing and start teaching me everything and more about witchcraft. Here I am today writing this for that incredible person, I owe everything and more than can be written to that person. 

Energy work, ask the average person what it means to them within the context of witchcraft and they will probably blow you off and say “It’s a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.” Now ask a witch about energy work? I’ll tell you, it’s beautiful. As a young practicing witch, especially with energy work I never knew the importance of having a very special piece you carry on you all the time. Of course I always have jewelry of a large degree on or I have crystals with me, most of the time both, but to have a very specific piece something others would probably see as ornamental is much different. 

I never knew what it meant to have an “everyday carry” type of piece up until about a week ago, that’s when my most precious piece arrived. An obsidian blade mounted on white tailed deer antler, snuggly in their personal holster with very specific drawings drawn on it by the maker of this knife. The maker of this knife is also the same person who has made the other six knives that are on my altar, each of which I have a very strong and special bond with. When I received this knife I knew it would be much different from my others as its purpose was much different and so was its making and timing in my life. I had gotten to see pictures of this knife beforehand and evaluate it and its energy before I found out it had actually been made with me in mind, the reason I find its timing so special is because it comes at a crucial point on my spiritual path to my spiritual growth. 

I carry this knife with me everyday tucked in my shirt with the blade up against my chest next to my heart. One of the first words I used to describe this knife was energizing, I do not feel a lack of energy in the sense of laziness almost. When I carry my knife with me, one of the biggest flows of energy that is open is my flow of communication. Obsidian's biggest and most known property is protection. My energy flow for talking to people has never been more present and more open than since I've had this knife. Obsidian being a protection stone, this knife has absolutely done that and given me something to lock onto when I need to control and rid myself or my surroundings of chaotic energy. I am attuned yet still learning to block out chaotic energy and this knife helps me develop that skill everyday.

One thing I always do with all of my knives when I first get them is meditate with them. The night I received my knife I sat in the dark and felt every inch, from the very sharp tip of the blade to the animal bite mark in the base of the handle. I myself am a very nature bound person, I sat with my eyes closed for minutes running my fingers over the bite mark wondering what type of animal bit into the antler, probably seeking the marrow. After that I smelled the antler wanting to see if I could still smell the nature from where it came from. The energy that shot through me when doing this, I saw forest land behind my closed eyes along with a deer which it had fallen from, nature was all around this knife, coursing through its veins through this handle. Of course if I'm going to sniff the handle I'm going to kiss the blade next. Kissing the blade I did for a few different energy discovery reasons, the maker had actually cut themselves while making this blade but chose to leave their blood on the blade, leaving their pranic energy behind for me. My friendship with the maker, having their pranic energy on the blade along with the energy they put into the knife itself, boosts the knife energy level more than ten fold. Kissing the blade felt like I got electrocuted, pranic energy from a dear friendship, witchcraft and shaman energy that built the knife, and an obsidian blade on this naturally sourced deer antler. I feel consistent energy when carrying this knife. I don't feel the need to stop whatever it is I might be doing, I feel motivation. The motivation I feel is to be better and stronger like a leader, this knife carries what I call a warrior energy. This warrior energy is the never stop kind, to keep going and be the best you can be and be a great leader if possible. The natural aspects make me feel close to earth and I feel warm and fuzzy inside when I touch my chest and feel this knife. I feel grounded as a part of those natural aspects, not just warm and fuzzy. The warm and fuzzy feeling coming from the pranic energy on/ within my knife as it is from someone I share such a close friendship with that I feel them around me as more than just the person who made this knife. On the holster a pair of feet are drawn along with birds on each side, I know that these feet represent me and my spiritual journey. Birds are most often seen as cardinal directions and those feet are me following the birds, my path. 

Like everyone else who practices something we all get stuck sometimes. Obsidian’s strongest property is protection, to someone who feels stuck or lost in their art protection is a necessity. The world is a more open place to all healthy energy around me now that I feel energized, the ability to lead and not be afraid. Following the energy I’m given daily, following the birds

Helayna Brooks

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Manifestation vs. Dreaming

      Unfortunately like most of America I am home sick right now, in the time of about the past week I have noticed that my dreams have been rather odd. More so nightmares than dreams themselves. When you break it down to the fine details, being sick can cause our emotions to be a true form of manifestation. For the body has built up this manifestation of sickness, whether it be physical, mental or in this case Covid 19. When our bodies build up such things we notice them in many aspects, again, maybe we broke a bone, maybe we had an emotional breakdown or we are home sick with the flu. All of these things manifest deep inside our consciousness.         

     Once our consciousness spills over without us knowing we can “look” to our dreams. Have you ever been in the situation of something bad continuously going on at work, being sick, maybe those mental health problems? And you can't sleep. This is because whatever you may be manifesting in your life is connecting to your consciousness and translating to your dreams. 

     I keep my altar next to my bedroom door, one of the center pieces is a beautiful obsidian arrowhead knife that is used for protection. Having been sick for over a week now, I had a dream the other night that I burst into a room and grabbed that knife off my altar and I needed it for protection for my mother and myself. Speaking with a very dear friend and incredible mentor of mine, when your body is weak your consciousness manifests and translates what it can't do externally. I am unable to fight physically but in my dream I took to that specific knife because of its energy and I knew it would give me the energy to protect my mother and myself. These manifesting dreams have been happening for the course of me being sick, they do make a lot of sense. If I look into it further though, it is not only through sickness. 

     Manifestation vs. dreaming is a very common thing in the human mind. Many people just don’t acknowledge it and pass it off as a bad night's rest or a nightmare. When we do acknowledge that there is a link between the two, manifestation and dreams, we have to be careful we don't read too much into those dreams. 

     Sickness manifestation is not the only type of “odd” dreaming you can have. Any type of thing in your life that is manifesting in your consciousness will translate to your dreams. Some examples could be things like getting married, you are full of happy joyful thoughts and feelings that will translate to your dreams. Let’s say you are hoping for a job promotion so you will be letting thoughts of work manifest in your life, how have you been doing at work? Are you personally reassuring yourself you can do it if you get the job?. Watch what you dream about next, will it be about your wedding, will it be about that job promotion? 

      Manifestation and dreams will always be together but will you notice and how far will you read into them. As I was told by my dear mentor “ Look at the dreamsgate with broad strokes” 

Written by: Foster The Llama